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If you are under 18, please make sure you have your parents’ permission before providing us with any personal details.
Free, confidential sexual health services for young people aged 19 and under in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.
Brook Bristol, as part of the Unity Partnership, offers sexual health screening, contraception, pregnancy testing, free condoms and advice.
Welcome to Brook Bristol! We’re here to help young people in Bristol 19 and under with their sexual health and wellbeing. Whatever is going on, our friendly team will support you with what you need. All our services are free and confidential.
I want to test for STIs
I need emergency contraception
I need free condoms
I want to visit the clinic
We also offer contraception, pregnancy testing, STI treatment, abortion referrals, counselling, PrEP, sexual assault help and advice.
View more NHS and other services in Bristol
Unity Sexual Health offers young people 19 and under living in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire the opportunity to access confidential, safe and easy access to testing and treatment for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV and syphilis through Brook Bristol. Testing is a simple and non-invasive urine test or vaginal swab and a blood sample.
Brook recommends testing two weeks after unprotected sex (sex without a condom) to ensure an accurate result, or at least four weeks after unprotected sex when testing for HIV. Find out more about HIV.
If you are 16+ and have no symptoms you can order a home test kit online or access tests via vending machines. You can also STI testing at Brook Bristol’s clinic
If you have symptoms, you should contact Brook Bristol on 0117 929 0090 to arrange an appointment to get tested in the clinic or come to the clinic during walk-in hours.
The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential condom distribution scheme for young people aged 13 to 24 living in Bristol to enable safe and easy access of external condoms and lube.
Look out for this logo and you know you will be seen by a friendly non-judgemental person. You can find this sign at sexual health centres (including Brook), youth projects, school drop ins, pharmacies and GPs.
To access free condoms you will need to register with the scheme at your local C-Card provider, such as Brook Bristol.
If you are 16-24 and live, are educated or work in Bristol, you can begin your C-Card sign-up using our digital method. To access the scheme you must collect a physical C-Card from Brook or another outlet before receiving or ordering condoms. (If you are under 16, you will need to complete an in person registration at one of our outlets.)
If you’re under 16 you will need to have a confidential appointment with a trained C-Card scheme worker, who will explain the scheme, teach you the best way to use condoms, answer any questions you might have and give you your C-Card and free condoms. Please contact Brook Bristol for more information.
North Somerset and South Gloucestershire also have C-Card schemes
When you register you will be given a card that has a unique number. Simply present the card to any C-Card provider and receive condoms. You don’t need to give your name and they won’t tell your parents/guardians that you have been to see a C-Card scheme worker, or that you are registered with the scheme.
Condoms by post
For those aged 16-24 who have already registered for a C-Card and received the physical C-Card, you can now order condoms by post.
Complete the form to get Condoms by Post. Your condoms will be sent by Royal Mail 2nd Class to the address of your choosing in completely plain packaging. You can choose either 6 or 12 condoms at a time, and choose from a range of different condoms, including non-latex, flavoured or different sizes. This service is completely free of charge.
If you try to order condoms this way, but do not have a C-Card, you will be directed to register for one first.
If you are a professional supporting young people in Bristol, and would like to attend training to offer the C-Card scheme in your setting, please email
Brook Bristol offers free emergency contraception to young people aged 19 and under living in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.
If you need emergency contraception please call Brook Bristol on 0117 929 0090 to arrange an appointment.
Use our Risk of Pregnancy Calculator
You can also check your risk of pregnancy by using our Risk of Pregnancy Calculator. It will help you understand your risk and what emergency contraception options are available to you.
For emergency contraception when we are closed, please contact Unity Sexual Health on 0117 929 0090, or local pharmacies you can get emergency contraception from some local pharmacies and walk-in centres as well as your GP.
The map below shows the organisations close to Brook Bristol which provide free emergency contraception for young people. Please check opening times before visiting.
Brook has been commissioned in Bristol and South Gloucestershire to offer free Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) workshops to young people and free professionals training.
The programme aims to enhance delivery of statutory RSE, in line with DfE guidance and will equip teachers and school staff, across primary and secondary schools, to implement a whole school approach, give individuals the skills/confidence to deliver an RSE programme that is fit for purpose and respond to the needs of young people.
Find out more about education and outreach here.
Brook is a health and well-being charity for young people. The My Life One-to-One programme is available for young people who need additional relationships and sex education in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. The work requested must be for education purposes only as this is not a counselling service. The My Life programme is for 11-19 year olds in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. It is important the young person consents to a referral being made to Brook.
Due to a recent high volume of 1-1 referrals, and therefore an increasing number of young people being placed on our waiting list, we are temporarily closing our Brook 1-1 referral pathway to all new referrals. We will review the numbers in January 2025, and make a decision regarding reopening the referral form then.
Please rest assured that any young person who has already had their referral accepted is on the waiting list, and we will be in contact with you to arrange the sessions in due course. We thank you for your patience at this time.
If you are a professional and have questions about this service, please email