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Education, access, stigma and young people (EASY)

Attitudes to contraception, condoms and sexual health

#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception
#condoms and contraception

Read this page in Welsh/Darllenwch y dudalen on yn gymraeg

In Brook’s 2024 research with more than 2,700 young people… 

One third

did not use condoms the last time they had penetrative sex.

One fifth

never use condoms during penetrative sex.


felt too embarrassed to speak to someone about getting free condoms.


did not know where to access free condoms.


discussed whether their sexual partner had recently been tested for STIs.


did not feel it was important to test themselves for STIs before unprotected sex.

When choosing a method of contraception, young people were most likely to consider:

Information online (66%)

Discussions with a partner (61%)

Discussions with friends (61%)  

Friends immediately come to mind because the assumption is they have your best interest at heart…even if they are slightly misinformed they give you the information with good will”

Brook research participant

Emerging themes

1. Building Trust: Young people prioritise trust in sources of information and favour the NHS and personal relationships.

2. Empowering Choice: Young people advocate for active involvement in their sexual health decision-making.

3. Policy and Commissioning Impact: Dissatisfaction with sexual health care is prevalent among young people, highlighting systemic challenges.

What next?

The lack of investment in sexual health services and education is failing young people. At Brook, we want their voices and experiences at the heart of any work to adapt and rethink service provision, education and public health messaging.

Learn more about our findings by reading the summary, or full report, and recommendations.

Addysg, mynediad, stigma a phobl ifanc

agweddau at ddulliau atal cenhedlu, condomau ac iechyd rhywiol (EASY)

#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau
#atal cenhedlu a condomau

Yn ymchwil Brook yn 2024 gyda mwy na 2,700 o bobl ifanc…

Doedd Traean

heb ddefnyddio condom y tro diwethaf iddyn nhw gael rhyw treiddiol

fydd un rhan o bump

byth yn defnyddio condom yn ystod rhyw treiddiol.

roedd 58%

yn teimlo gormod o gywilydd i siarad â rhywun am gael condomau am ddim


ddim yn gwybod ble i gael condomau am ddim.  

roedd 47%

wedi trafod a oedd eu partner rhywiol wedi cael prawf diweddar am stis.

doedd 24%

ddim yn teimlo ei bod hi’n bwysig iddyn nhw brofi eu hunain am stis cyn cael rhyw heb ddiogelwch.

wrth ddewis dull atal cenhedlu, roedd pobl ifanc yn fwy tebygol o ystyried:

Gwybodaeth ar-lein (66%)

Trafod â phartner (61%)

A thrafod â ffrindiau (61%)

Dwi’n meddwl am ffrindiau ar unwaith oherwydd dwi’n tybio eu bod nhw’n meddwl am eich budd chi…hyd yn oed os nad yw eu gwybodaeth bob tro’n iawn, maen nhw’n rhoi’r wybodaeth gydag ewyllys da”

Cyfranogwr ymchwil Brook

Themâu sy’n dod i’r amlwg

1. Meithrin Ymddiriedaeth: Mae pobl ifanc yn rhoi blaenoriaeth i ymddiriedaeth mewn ffynonellau gwybodaeth ac yn ffafrio’r GIG a pherthnasoedd personol.

2. Grymuso Dewis: Mae pobl ifanc yn eiriol dros gymryd rhan weithredol yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau am eu hiechyd rhywiol.

3. Effaith Polisi a Chomisiynu: Mae anfodlonrwydd â gwasanaethau iechyd rhywiol yn amlwg ymysg pobl ifanc, gan dynnu sylw at heriau systemig.

Beth nesaf?

Mae’r diffyg buddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau iechyd rhywiol ac addysg yn gwneud cam â phobl ifanc. Yn Brook, rydyn ni eisiau i’w lleisiau a’u profiadau fod wrth galon unrhyw waith i addasu ac i ailystyried darpariaeth gwasanaethau, addysg a negeseuon iechyd cyhoeddus.