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Brook’s RSE Live Lessons are free, hour-long interactive live-stream broadcasts about different RSE topics.
Wednesday 11th September 2024, 10am-11am | Year 9 and above
Read this in Welsh/darllen hwn yn cymraeg
For decades Brook has taken a holistic approach to sexual health, recognising that physical and emotional wellbeing are inseparable. But with mental health in decline and STIs on the rise, it’s more important than ever to talk about how the two intersect.
In celebration of Brook’s Sexual Health Week 2024: Are You Feeling It?, our Big RSE Lesson will empower young people to take care of their mental health and, in turn, support healthy decision-making when it comes to their sexual health and wellbeing.
This free 60-minute live broadcast is aimed at students in Year 9 and above. Focusing on a life-course approach to wellbeing, the lesson aims to explore the importance of young people’s mental health in supporting them to make healthy choices as they mature and develop more intimate relationships. By the end of the session, students will be able to:
It would be useful if the young people viewing the broadcast have access to a smart phone or personal device. We will be asking some questions on and we would like as many people to take part as possible.
More information about Brook’s education and training offer including free resources on a range of topics in English and Welsh.
The 2019 statutory RSHE guidance states that by the end of secondary school, pupils should know:
The PSHE Association includes:
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Brook’s RSE Live Lessons are free, hour-long interactive live-stream broadcasts about different RSE topics. The lessons take place on the LearnLive platform but are also available to watch on demand – watch them with your class, or watch to improve your own knowledge and confidence in delivering RSE.
This 60-minute session for Year 6 and 7s is delivered in partnership with Lil-Lets. lTopics include:
In celebration of Brook’s 2023 Sexual Health Week: Playing it Safe, our Big RSE Lesson empowered young people to understand and challenge gender stereotypes.
This live lesson on Understanding and Challenging Gender Stereotypes is aimed at students in Year 9 and above. Topics covered include:
To celebrate the fourth year of our partnership with Lil-Lets, we delivered the Big Period Lesson Live. More than 57,600 people tuned in to the live broadcast, making it our biggest Live Lesson yet!
This live lesson aimed at Years 6 and 7 helps make sure young people learn about puberty in a timely and age-appropriate way.
To celebrate the 2022 Sexual Health Week theme of Breaking Barriers, our big RSE lesson, aimed at Year 9 and above, focuses on how to ask for help and where to go for support related to all parts of life including sexual health and wellbeing.
Around 15,000 young people tuned in for Brook’s online RSE lesson celebrating LGBT+ history month 2022.
The lesson, aimed at Year 9 and above, explores the richness of LGBT+ history with the aim of challenging stereotypes, promoting understanding and celebrating diversity.
Dydd Mercher 11 Medi 2024, 10am
Ers degawdau, mae Brook wedi mabwysiadu dull cyfannol o ymdrin ag iechyd rhywiol, gan gydnabod bod llesiant corfforol ac emosiynol yn mynd law yn llaw. Ond wrth i iechyd meddwl ddirywio, ac wrth i achosion o heintiau a drosglwyddir yn rhywiol gynyddu, mae siarad am sut mae’r ddau beth yn croestorri yn bwysicach nag erioed.
I ddathlu Wythnos Iechyd Rhywiol Brook: Are You Feeling It?, bydd Gwers Fawr Brook – Addysg Rhyw a Chydberthynas yn grymuso pobl ifanc i ofalu am eu hiechyd meddwl. Bydd hefyd yn eu cefnogi i wneud penderfyniadau iach o ran eu llesiant a’u hiechyd rhywiol.
Mae’r darllediad byw hwn, sy’n para 60 munud, wedi’i anelu at fyfyrwyr ym mlwyddyn 9 ac uwch. Gan ganolbwyntio ar ddull cwrs bywyd o ymdrin â llesiant, nod y wers hon yw archwilio pwysigrwydd iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc o ran eu cefnogi i wneud dewisiadau iach wrth iddynt aeddfedu a datblygu perthnasoedd rhywiol. Erbyn diwedd y sesiwn, byddwch yn gallu:
Gwybod ble i gael help a chefnogaeth gydag iechyd meddwl ac iechyd rhywiol
Cofrestrwch am ddim nawr, rhannwch gyda’ch cysylltiadau a gwrandewch yn eich dosbarth neu’ch gwasanaeth.
Byddai’n ddefnyddiol pe bai gan y bobl ifanc sy’n gwylio’r darllediad fynediad at ffôn clyfar neu ddyfais bersonol. Byddwn yn gofyn rhai cwestiynau ar a hoffem i gynifer o bobl â phosibl gymryd rhan.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am addysg a hyfforddiant Brook, gan gynnwys adnoddau rhad ac am ddim am amrywiaeth o bynciau yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, ewch i
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Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool
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