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Outreach and education in Buckinghamshire

Brook, along with with Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, are working to ensure communities can access support and self-manage their own sexual and reproductive health in an effective and holistic way.

Find out about how we can support professionals, schools and organisations in Buckinghamshire.

Targeted and community support

Brook delivers targeted programmes in a range of formats to support service users in a variety of communities. Through these programmes, we explore specific topics in detail, using informal education techniques and small group work. Sessions can include activities, reflective exercises, presentations, handouts, films, storytelling, and conversations with Brook staff.

Topics can include healthy relationships and boundaries, consent, puberty, masturbation, introduction to sex, contraception, pornography, gender and sexuality, sex and the law.

These sessions are aimed at service users and organisations working with the following groups:

  • Disabled people, including those with special educational needs and learning disabilities
  • People affected by domestic abuse
  • People for whom English is an additional language
  • Asylum seekers
  • Homeless people
  • Young people in care and care leavers
  • Sex workers
Email us to find out more about targeted programmes

Sexual health promotion

Brook can attend events to provide information, guidance and advice on sexual and reproductive health, HIV prevention, and signposting to local services.

As part of this health promotion and outreach work at these events, we can also provide point of care testing, chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening and condom distribution.

Our holistic approach to health promotion and outreach provision is designed to meet the needs of different audiences, including minority and at-risk groups, and provide consistent key messaging about sexual health and wellbeing.

We can provide outreach at a range of different events and venues including:

  • Community organisations
  • Community services
  • College day events
  • University freshers fairs
  • Youth groups
  • Organisation specific health promotion session
Email us about an event/group

1:1 support for young people

Brook offers one-to-one support to both adults and young people. Our support consists of an early help programme which aims to empower people to improve their own health and wellbeing. For adults, (18+) we provide bespoke, responsive and needs led provision which could include:

  • supporting individuals to make decisions about their health and wellbeing
  • making referrals to other services where relevant
  • provide ongoing engagement via a support plan. This could be a short term intervention or a longer term package of support.

Brook also offers a one-to-one support programme specifically for young people aged 11-18 called MyLife. People are referred based on agreed criteria: poor sexual health outcomes, gender and sexuality, healthy relationships and pregnancy choices. Once a referral has been made, we then deliver a short programme (4-6 weeks) tailored to meet specific needs of the person.

Youth health champions

This is an accredited, guided learning programme for young people aged 18+ that involves completing four units of study with a Level 2 Award from Royal Society of Public Health. This course is ideal for young people with an interest in sexual health and wellbeing. The course will be delivered by Brook Education and Wellbeing Specialists, through both online and face to face sessions, and participants will be assessed based on a workbook or a portfolio.

Email us to find out more about the programme

Training for professionals

We provide training on diverse range of sexual health topics for both professionals working in community services and school staff. We offer guidance on a range of prominent topics that aim to support staff working with children and young people.


We run webinars on the following topics:

  • Trans Inclusive Care: Trans Identities and Barriers to Access
  • Inclusive Practice in Education LGBTQIA+
  • HIV Awareness Training
  • Consent Training
  • Pornography and youth produced sexual imagery
  • Create a safe learning environment
  • Consent and Managing disclosures of sexual violence
  • Healthy relationships and sexual health
  • Inclusive RSE for neurodivergent young people
  • Managing difficult questions and sensitive issues in RSE
Browse Brook’s free webinars

Wider workforce

Brook offers training on a diverse range of sexual health topics for professionals working in community services. Subjects currently on offer include:

  • Consent and managing disclosures of sexual violence
  • Pornography and youth produced sexual imagery
  • Exploring masculinity and tackling misogyny
  • Sexual health information, empowerment, learning and development (SHIELD)
  • Consent, sex and the law: training professionals
  • Supporting and Including LGBT+ people
  • Health inequalities within women’s HIV diagnosis and treatment
  • Health inequalities within women’s reproductive healthcare
Email us to book training

School training sessions

Our school training sessions offer guidance on a range of prominent topics that aim to support school staff to work with children and young people. Our training is open to school leaders, PSHE leads and wider school staff, and covers a range of topics including:

  • Creating a safe learning environment
  • Teaching consent and managing disclosures of sexual violence
  • Managing difficult questions and sensitive issues in relationships and sex education (RSE)
  • RSE and LGBT+ inclusivity
  • Inclusive RSE for neurodivergent young people
  • Exploring masculinity and tackling misogyny
Email us to book training

Webinars for parents and carers

RSE at Home is our series specially created for parents and carers who want to further support their children’s relationships and sex education at home. Brook expert staff use their knowledge and experience to give you support on how to address potentially tricky topics at home.

These live, interactive sessions will be delivered online either via Zoom or Facebook.

Browse webinars for parents and carers

C-Card Scheme

Brook runs Buckinghamshire’s C-Card scheme, through which young people can access free condoms. The scheme is open to young people aged 13-24, and once they have registered for C-Card, they will be able to get free condoms and lube from various outlets throughout the county.

Brook can deliver training sessions to outlets in Buckinghamshire on how to provide C-Card registration and distribution services to young people. We also offer assemblies and briefings in education settings such as schools, colleges and universities to promote C-Card and other services.

Register for C-Card training

Or email bucks.training@brook.org.uk to book in-house training

Volunteer with us

We are looking for Community Champions volunteers in Buckinghamshire. Community Champions help individuals in their local communities to access sexual health and wellbeing services.

Find out more about the opportunity and apply on our volunteering opportunities page.

Volunteering opportunities