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Free, confidential sexual health services for people of all ages living in Southend-on-Sea.
Access contraception and emergency contraception, STI testing, advice and more.
Welcome to Brook Southend! We’re here to help people in Southend-on-Sea of any age with their sexual health and wellbeing. Whatever is going on, our friendly team will support you with what you need. All our services are free and confidential.
I want to test for STIs
I need contraception
I need free condoms
I want to visit the clinic
Something else?
View NHS and other services in Southend-on-Sea
What if I don’t live in Southend-on-Sea?
Brook Southend services are only available to residents of Southend-on-Sea. If you live outside of Southend-on-Sea but have an Essex address, please visit for details of how to access sexual health services.
Brook Southend offers various online services in partnership with SH:24. For in person services, contact the Brook Southend clinic to make an appointment.
Brook Southend offers free sexual health screening for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV, and offers and treatment for people of all ages.
Residents aged 16+ in Southend-on-sea can also now order a free postal STI test from SH:24, which can test for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV and syphilis.
Brook recommends testing two weeks after unprotected sex (sex without a condom) to ensure an accurate result. For HIV testing, you need to wait 6 weeks to take a test in order to get the most accurate result.
These postal test kits are for people who have no symptoms (are asymptomatic). If you have any symptoms, please contact Brook Southend.
If you are 16+ and live in Southend-on-sea, you can order the pill online from SH:24 for free and receive it directly to your home or another location of your choice. You can can also order an extended range of contraception options from SH:24, including the ring, patch and self-injectable.
If you are a Southend-on-sea resident aged 16+, you can also order the emergency hormonal contraception (the “morning after pill”) online from SH:24 and receive it directly to your home or another location of your choice.
If you are 15 or under, want to discuss your options for emergency contraception or think the IUD is your best option, please contact Brook Southend as soon as possible.
The Condom Distribution Service lets you access free condoms, internal condoms (femidoms) and lube from a number of outlets in Southend-on-Sea. It is free for anyone aged 13+ living in Southend-on-Sea.
To be able to use the condom distribution service in Southend-on-Sea, you will first need to register for a C-Card.
Anyone can register for a C-Card at any registering Condom Distribution Service outlet. If you are 16+ you also have the option to register online.
Alongside our clinical services, Brook is commissioned to provide sexual health promotion, community outreach, education and training in Southend-on-Sea.
Working closely with our clinical colleagues, our aim is to ensure that key beneficiary groups are benefiting from good sexual and reproductive health services by raising awareness, signposting and improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of both professionals and service users.