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Feedback and complaints

At Brook, we value your right to be involved. We want to hear what you think, and will try to act upon your feedback and suggestions to keep improving our services. 

We want to hear what you think, and will try to act upon your feedback and suggestions to keep improving our services. 

If something has gone wrong or you’re not happy with the service you’ve received, it’s really important that you tell us so that we can try and put it right. 

See below for further information on how to leave feedback or make a complaint.

How can I give feedback about a Brook service?

You can give feedback, or make a comment, suggestion or complaint in the following ways:

  • Face-to-face with a member of Brook staff
  • Over the phone by calling your local service or Complaints Manager (see Complaints process)
  • Write a letter to your local Complaints Manager (see Complaints process)
  • Send an email to your local Complaints Manager (see Complaints process)
  • Put a comment in the comments box in your local service

Who can make a complaint?

  • If you currently use Brook services
  • If you have used Brook services in the past
  • If you give your consent for someone else to make a complaint for you

If you are under 16 you still have the same rights to complain as everyone else.

When can I make a complaint?

You can make a complaint as soon as something happens that you’re not happy about. If you don’t make a complaint straight away, you can still complain:

  • Up to 12 months after it happened
  • Up to 12 months after you became aware of the problem.

Who can I make a complaint to?

  • Any member of Brook staff
  • The Complaints Manager (see Complaints process)
  • In England, complaints can be made to the Local Authority that commissions the service.

How will complaints be handled?

Complaints will:

  • be thoroughly investigated and dealt with quickly
  • be responded to in full, however they are made

If Brook has made a mistake we will apologise, explain what went wrong and put things right quickly and effectively.

If you’re unhappy with Brook’s response we will give you details of how you can get your complaint independently reviewed.

Brook will create improvement action plans to stop things from going wrong again.


Your right to confidentiality is of the highest importance to us.

  • You have the same rights to confidentiality during the complaints process as normal, even if you’re under 16.
  • Complaints will be kept totally separate from client records, so you will not be treated any differently.
  • If you want someone else to make a complaint for you, we will need to make 100% certain that the person has your consent to make the complaint on your behalf, so we would need to talk to you in the first instance.

Complaints process

The easiest way of making a complaint is usually to speak to a member of staff at the Brook service. They should give you the opportunity to speak in private.

This should be dealt with immediately and you should get an explanation or an apology.

If you are not happy with the explanation or apology then you can speak directly to the Complaints Manager. Details of your local Complaints Manager can be found by emailing admin@brook.org.uk.

If you don’t want your name to be passed on to the Complaints Manager, it will make it difficult for us to let you know what we are doing to put things right, but it will still be looked into as far as possible.

If you want to make a written complaint you will be given a complaints form. You can also make a complaint by writing a letter or email addressed to the Complaints Manager. The address or email address of your local Complaints Manager can be found by emailing admin@brook.org.uk.

The Complaints manager will acknowledge your complaint within three working days (two in Northern Ireland) and they will explain the timescales for investigating and responding to your complaint. You will also be given information about how to arrange independent support when making your complaint. Please see below for information on who can help you make a complaint. 

You will be offered the opportunity to speak to the Complaints Manager, either face-to-face or over the telephone, to talk about how the complaint will be handled and what you would like Brook to do to put things right. If you don’t want to discuss it, you should still receive an explanation of how your complaint will be investigated.

A full written response will be sent to you within 20 working days. The response will summarise:

  • Your complaint
  • How it was investigated
  • The conclusions
  • Any action that has or will be taken

If it is not possible to complete the investigation within 20 days, you will be sent a letter explaining why.

You will have the opportunity to discuss the outcome of your complaint and to give feedback, if you want to.

If you are unhappy with Brook’s response we will give you details of how you can get your complaint independently reviewed.

Who can help you make a complaint?

  • In Northern Ireland: You have the right to assistance from the Patient and Client Council.
  • In Scotland: You have the right to assistance from the Patient Advice and Support Service provided by the Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau.
  • In England: Brook will offer to arrange an advocate if you need support to make a complaint.