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If you are under 18, please make sure you have your parents’ permission before providing us with any personal details.
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Abortion referrals
Condoms & lubricant
Emergency contraception
HIV testing & support
Other testing
PEP and/or PrEP
Pregnancy testing
STI testing & treatment
Sexual assault help and support
Sexual health advice
Vaccinations and referrals
Other filters are unavailable when searching for NHS and other services
Accessible toilet
Blue badge parking nearby
Chaperone (on request)
Hearing loop system
Interpreting service
Step free access
Quiet waiting area
Some Brook services have an age limit on the people they can help.
20 or under
25 or above
Open today
Open weekends
Open evenings
Brook services (from 252.31 miles)
NHS & other services (from 166.56 miles)
166.56 miles away - Flamborough, YO15 1JX
This result was found using the NHS directory of services. Brook is not responsible for keeping this information up-to-date.
168.99 miles away - Filey, YO14 9BA
Free condoms
Young peopleu2019s sexual health services
Unplanned pregnancy information and support
169.56 miles away - Bridlington, YO16 7DJ
169.88 miles away - Bridlington, YO15 2QL
Chlamydia screening for under 25s
170.08 miles away - Bridlington, YO15 2PY
170.20 miles away - Bridlington, YO15 2AB
170.43 miles away - Scarborough, YO11 1XE
Drug addiction support
Drug treatment services
Counselling for drug addiction
Alcohol Addiction support
Counselling for alcohol addiction
Alcohol addiction treatment
170.43 miles away - Bridlington, YO16 4LZ
Click here to see emergency contact information.
For medical advice in England or Wales, contact NHS 111 by dialling 111 For medical advice in Scotland, contact NHS 24 on 08454 242424 For sexual health advice, contact the National Sexual Health Helpline provided by The Department of Health and Social Care on 0300 123 7123
For help and emotional support if you’re 18 or under, contact Childline on 0800 1111 For help and emotional support (at any age), contact the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 If you are experiencing a personal crisis, are unable to cope and need support, text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
For help with domestic abuse or violence, contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 For support after rape or sexual violence, contact Rape Crisis on 0808 802 9999 or The Survivors Trust on 08088 010 818 For specialist LGBT+ support with domestic abuse, rape or sexual violence, contact GALOP on 0800 999 5428
Click here to see some frequently asked questions about Brook Services.
Brook believes that everyone should be able to care for their sexual health without barriers to accessing clinical services or fear of stigma. Our friendly staff are here to help you, whatever is going on. However embarrassed or worried you might feel, they have seen and heard it all and treat everyone with the same respect.
Brook services are completely free to use. This includes contraception, which is free from Brook and on the NHS for all ages.
Brook will work with you to identify what help and support is best for you, giving you space and time to explore your options.
Accessing our services is confidential, regardless of your age, sexuality or gender. Read more about your rights when accessing sexual health services.
It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, who you love or who you’re having sex with, Brook’s doors are always open.
If it's worrying you, it's worth getting in touch. Our friendly team can help if something's not quite right.
Brook services provide a combination of the below. Please check the individual service pages to find out exactly what is available at your nearest service.
It’s okay if you don’t know what you need – the first step is to get in touch.
Our friendly teams are here to help. They will talk to you to find out more about your situation, and then will help you to access whatever treatment or support is best for you. This might mean visiting a Brook clinic, using an online service or accessing services from another provider.
When it comes to sexual health services, you have the same rights whether you are over 16 or under 16 and regardless of your sexuality or gender.
You are entitled to:
Read more about your rights when accessing sexual health services.
You do not need a referral to access Brook services.
If you are a professional looking to refer a client to Brook, please contact your local service for information about how to make a referral.
You do not need to have registered with us before using our services.
If you are accessing a Brook service for the first time, our team will ask you for all the details we need to provide you with the best help and support.
Brook has been operating sexual health services for young people for over 50 years. We launched our first all-age services in 2019, but many of our locations remain specifically dedicated to supporting people under 25.
If you are above the age limit for your nearest Brook service, you can still search for sexual health services from the NHS or other providers using our Find a Service tool. Alternatively, you can use the NHS service finder: