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Reductions in public funding have led to a critical shortfall in place-based support, particularly for young people. We believe it is the role of Brook, and others in the sector, to be proactive in representing the needs of our service users and fight harder than ever for their right to access services, demanding better from those in power and advocating for those most at risk.
We are committed to ensuring our services are accessible to all, and we will work to reach and support those who may be vulnerable or experiencing disadvantage, discrimination or exclusion. We will develop tailored, inclusive services that meet particular access needs, and we will take our services to those who need them. By working with parents, carers, families and professionals, we will maximise the impact and accessibility of our offer.
Our ambitious plans for expansion and geographical growth are driven by the belief that excellent sexual health, mental health and wellbeing is a right. We know that many people struggle to access support and we are determined to reach as many of them as possible. In areas where we do not yet have a presence, we will develop partnerships that add value to the work of others.
It is not enough that services are accessible. Those who need them must feel safe, represented and welcomed. We will work to increase understanding of sexual health and wider wellbeing services, and challenge the stigmas that can prevent access. The voices of our service users, and those we are yet to reach, are critical to ensuring that our services are accessible to those who need them the most.
Our rapidly expanding digital offers will enable more people than ever before to access evidence-based information, advice and support wherever they are. Our digital clinical services will widen access and be sector leading in their dedication to safeguarding and user involvement. Every digital touch point will have accessibility at its very heart.
Expand into new geographical areas, working in partnership to provide services at the heart of the community, in locations and spaces that our service users already access.
Enable more people to access sexual health and wellbeing support, through promotion and marketing activity that both increases awareness and normalises access to services.
Provide dedicated services and resources that respond to particular access needs, while retaining a universal offer that is open to all.
Ensure that service design responds to the lived experience of service users, as well as those not currently accessing services, by championing a data and feedback driven approach.
Embed user engagement and accessibility in the design and development of our digital services, ensuring that our digital tools meet everyone’s needs.
Evolve and expand our Digital Front Door increasing functionality, broadening access and achieving sustainability.
Develop a range of programmes that equip parents, carers, families and professionals to support young people to access sexual health, mental health and wellbeing support.
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Challenging inequality
Fighting stigma
Driving innovation