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Relationships, Sex, Staying Safe Online

Pornography and relationships

If you are over 18 you may choose to watch pornography, either alone or with a partner. Some people choose to watch porn frequently whereas other people may watch it occasionally or not at all. If you do decide to watch it, you should only watch what you feel comfortable with. 

Is it normal to watch porn when in a relationship?

Research shows that, when people in relationships have open and honest discussions about their individual pornography use, it can have positive consequences.  

Talking about your porn use or watching porn together can help you learn more about your partner(s’) likes and dislikes, make your sex life more varied, and may even make general communication easier because of the intimacy that comes from being open. 

Porn can also help if there’s a difference in libido (desire for sex) between you and your partner(s). 

If you’re under 18

It is not illegal to watch porn if you’re under 18 but it is illegal to show porn to someone who is under 18. This means that if a young person is showing another young person a porn video, they could be committing an offence.

More about porn and the law

Is it cheating to watch porn?

If you’re over 18, watching porn together can have its benefits, however, porn use is still something that many people in relationships argue about. Studies show that if one person in the relationship feels their partner’s porn use is problematic (maybe they feel it is too frequent or worried about the type of porn they are watching) then this can have a negative effect on the relationship and on the self-esteem and self-worth of the person who does not watch porn.

The strongest relationships are built on communication and trust so whether or not you count watching porn as cheating is something that only you and your partner can decide. Just like sexting, or chatting to an ex on social media, each relationship has its own boundaries and mutual agreement on what counts as cheating.

When can porn affect the relationship?

Porn can be part of a healthy relationship if you’ve talked about this together and have honest communication. However, porn can become harmful and can affect relationships if: 

  • You watch porn secretly and aren’t open about it with your partner(s)
  • If you’re comparing your partner or yourself to the people in porn and letting it affect your expectations of sex with your partner(s) 
  • You’re do things with your partner(s) that you’ve seen in porn but haven’t asked them about beforehand
  • If your porn use is affecting your sex life – maybe you don’t want to have sex with your partner(s) or you find it difficult to get aroused without porn


Porn doesn’t accurately represent sex – Condoms, consent, lube, mess, different types of sex and bodies are often not shown in porn.

More about porn and sex

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