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Challenging inequality in 2023/24

Fighting for abortion rights

News headlines about abortion - "100 women and girls arrested for illegal abortion", "outrage at jail sentence for woman who took abortion pills later than the UK limit"

One in three British women will have an abortion in their lifetime but, despite this, abortion law in England and Wales is the oldest healthcare law in existence. 2023 saw several troubling cases of women being investigated for illegal abortions, some leading to prosecutions. Brook would like to see an end to all criminalisation related to abortion and we are fighting to make this happen.  

Along with signatories from over 30 organisations, we have signed this position statement calling on the government to reform the Abortion Act 1967 and decriminalise people seeking to end their own pregnancies.  

We are committed to supporting young people with decision-making around their reproductive health and reminding everyone of their right to access safe healthcare.

Opening quotation marks

When I found out I was pregnant it was a quick discussion about what’s best for me and what I wanted. No one else’s opinion mattered but mine. It was amazing.”

Brook service user, Manchester

Next up in ‘Challenging inequality in 2023/24’:

Challenging inequality through digital transformation

In our 60th year We need your help to challenge inequality

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Our impact in 2023/24

Increasing accessibility

Fighting stigma

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