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If you are under 18, please make sure you have your parents’ permission before providing us with any personal details.
Brook Dudley – Integrated sexual health service
We are changing our current My Brook system to a new online offer which will be available in January. This means that My Brook and it’s online services are unavailable. If you need help, please contact the clinic by phone 01384881830 or come to our walk-in sessions at The Greens.
If you have a My Brook account, we will be in touch by email to tell you what this means for you. You will still have access to your account until the end of January, but you will not be able to order contraception, treatment or STI tests, or book an appointment online.
My Brook is our online platform that allows you to access our digital sexual health services including:
Anyone with a postcode that falls under Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council can create a My Brook account to access digital sexual health services. This includes under 16s, however, if you are under 16, you won’t be able to access all online services. More about if you’re under 16
You can check which council(s) your postcode falls under on the website.
If you work or study in Dudley but don’t have a Dudley postcode, you won’t be able to use My Brook but you still access our services by coming to clinic during walk-in hours or by calling us.
Our services are free and confidential meaning you don’t need your parents or carers permission. Our friendly team have seen it all before so whatever you need help with, we’re here to support you without judgement.
Here are the services available to you at Brook Dudley:
We’ve got a clinic just for you
Our clinic at Cranstoun ROUTES youth advice service is just for people aged 24 and under. If you’re under 18 you can book an appointment online via My Brook. Otherwise you can phone to book an appointment or walk-in during opening hours.
If you no longer wish to use My Brook services, you can delete your account after logging in to My Brook.
Deleting your account is permanent and cannot be undone.
You do not need a referral to access our services.
If you are a professional looking to refer a patient to us, please email us on
Alternatively, you can call us on 01384 881830.
Important: our email system is encrypted. If your email system is not encrypted, please do not email a referral.