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Participation Highlights 2022-2023

Here are just some of the things we got up to last year…

We won an award!

Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Volunteering Award

This year Brook was one of 20 charities across the UK recognised for a unique one-off addition to the annual Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, created in honour of Her Late Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

'Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Volunteering Award'

We had a trip to Cardiff! August 2023

In August 2023 the Brook Participation team organised an overnight Participation Event which was offered to the 16-19 National Participation Forum members. Our summary report provides some highlights including what happened at the event and what the young people liked about the event.

Our National Participation Forums were kept busy

Forum members across our three National Forums were involved with:

  • Producing our Big RSE videos that formed part of the Big RSE Live Lesson
  • Co-designing ideas for recent funding applications that were successful e.g. see our Your Best Friend Project
  • Feeding back on Brook’s digital tools and webpages
  • Inputting into the new Brook Strategy
  • Numerous surveys, focus groups with different departments internally and externally

A huge thank you to all of the forum members who continue to support Brook’s work!

Change is possible when young people come together and are passionate

Brook Forum Member

Some of our projects included:

An illustration of a person talking to a nurse in a clinic

Annual Consultation – Neurodivergent-friendly clinical services

This year’s Annual Consultation was focused on engaging neurodivergent and neurodiverse young people aged 16-25 years across England, to find out their views about the best ways young people would choose to use a Brook clinical service.      

There were some great insights from the project- “Give people all the information they need and not assume that they know what to do or where to go”

Your Best Friend logo

Your Best Friend Project

We co-produced a series of animations about how young people can support friends in unhealthy relationships, both on and offline with young people from Wales.

The four animations explore how to deal with online pressures, as well as how to speak to friends in unhealthy relationships. They were created with support from Your Best Friend, and form part of their #FriendsCanTell campaign.

The animations were viewed by over 111,600 people, and were seen a total of 487,333 times.

different types of contraception including a coil, packet of pills, internal condom, a patch, injection, ring and implant

Manchester Contraception Consultation

Due to lower numbers of young people accessing local sexual health services since the COVID pandemic, the Brook Manchester team explored young peoples’ current attitudes towards contraception through surveys and focus groups.

Research about teaching sexual harassment in RSHE

User-research to inform the development of guidance to support teaching about sexual harassment within the RSHE curriculum. We consulted with 124 teachers and 57 young people using mixed-methods, and a survey completed by 616 teaching staff across England. It was a fantastic opportunity to hear from young people and teachers about how they can be supported to best learn and teach about sensitive topics.

National Participation Consultation

Brook ran a national consultation to hear from boys
and young men about access to online sexual health services.

Want to know more?

If you’re interested in getting involved with Participation at Brook, take a look at our vacancies.

If you want to work with us or find out more about our participation work, contact the participation team.