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Brook Blackburn

Free, confidential sexual health services for people of all ages living in Blackburn with Darwen.

Access contraception and emergency contraception, STI testing, advice and more.

09/01/2025 Limited service until further notice: Due to environmental factors beyond our control, our in-person service is currently limited. Please do not visit the service without first speaking to us. If you have an appointment, we will be contacting you with further information – keep a look out for a call or message from us. Please use our online services for STI testing, contraception and emergency contraception. You can also access emergency contraception from local pharmacies.

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how can we help?

Welcome to Brook Blackburn! We’re here to help people in Blackburn of all ages with their sexual health and wellbeing. Whatever is going on, our friendly team will support you with what you need. All our services are free and confidential.

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What if I live outside of Blackburn with Darwen?

To access sexual health services outside of Blackburn with Darwen, contact Lancashire CaSH S/ervices on 0300 1234 154. You can get also order a free STI postal kit for Lancashire that tests for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV and syphilis.

I Want Great Care Certificate of Excellence 2024

STI testing

Home STI test kits

The quickest and easiest way to test for STIs is by ordering a free test kit online. Residents aged 16+ in Blackburn with Darwen can order a free postal STI test from SH:24, which can test for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV and syphilis.

You can also come to the clinic to get tested in person if you would rather.

Order a home STI test kit

Testing and treatment for genital warts and herpes

If you think you might have genital warts or genital herpes, we can offer online diagnosis and treatment by post, without you needing to visit a clinic. The service is provided by SH:24, and uses photo diagnosis.

Test for genital warts and herpes

We offer contraception for free at Brook Blackburn including long acting methods such as the contraceptive injection and the implant. Book an appointment at our clinic to explore your options with one of our clinicians.

Repeat contraception

If you are 16 or over and live in Blackburn with Darwen, you can order the pill online from SH:24 for free and receive it directly to your home or another location of your choice. You can can also order an extended range of contraception options from SH:24, including the ringpatch and self-injectable.

Emergency contraception

If you are a Blackburn with Darwen resident aged 16+, you can also order the emergency hormonal contraception (the “morning after pill”) online from SH:24 and receive it directly to your home or another location of your choice. 

If you are under 16, want to discuss your options for emergency contraception or think the IUD is your best option, please contact Brook Blackburn as soon as possible on 01254 268 700.

Order emergency contraception online

Where else can I get emergency contraception?

As well as being available online, you can also access free emergency contraception at the Brook Blackburn clinic. Some pharmacies will also offer emergency contraception for free including Boots on Townsmoor Retail Park.. Please ring Boots on 01254 696620 to check that this free service is available.

Free condoms

The Condom Distribution Service, also known as the WRAPPED Scheme, lets you access free condoms, internal condoms (femidoms) and lube from a number of outlets. It is free for anyone aged 13-25 living in Blackburn with Darwen.

Find out how to access free condoms

Wellbeing Hub

Our Wellbeing Hub in Blackburn with Darwen supports young people aged 11-24 to improve their own mental health and wellbeing.

Our programmes will support you to boost your motivation and self-worth and make positive changes in your life.

Find out about our wellbeing hub

Education and outreach

Alongside our clinical services, Brook is commissioned to provide sexual health promotion, community outreach, education and training within Blackburn with Darwen.

Explore Brook Blackburn’s education offer

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