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Brook Dudley – Integrated sexual health service
You may be able to request the combined pill or progestogen-only pill (mini pill) online through SH:24.
After answering questions about yourself and your medical history including your blood pressure, your request will be reviewed by a clinician who will will you if they have any concerns. If they’re happy there are no concerns and it’s safe for you to take the contraception method, the pills will be posted out to you.
Please note that you are only able to get a 3 month supply of contraception online, if you need a repeat prescription that is longer than this, please contact us in clinic instead.
If you’d prefer, you can also get the combined pill or progestogen-only pill through the Brook clinic, please contact us to book an appointment.
For implants, coils, injections, vaginal rings or patches, please contact the clinic for an appointment.
For implants and coils, due to high demand, appointments may be booked several weeks in advance. If you require support sooner, please consider asking your GP if they are able to help.
If you’re looking for the morning after pill or emergency contraception, you cannot request this online. Read our webpage to find out where and how to get it.
If you’re unsure which contraceptive method to choose, you can use our handy contraception tool which will ask you a few questions about your needs and preferences and show you methods that might be good for you.
Contraceptive Implant: Nexplanon Implant
Contraceptive Injection
Contraceptive Patch: The Patch
Contraceptive Ring: The Vaginal Ring
Diaphragms and caps
Emergency Contraception: The Morning After Pill
Emergency Contraception: The non-hormonal (copper) coil
Fertility Awareness Methods
Internal (or female) condoms
Progestogen Only Pill: The Mini Pill
The Combined Pill: The Pill
The Hormonal Coil (The Mirena Coil)
The Non-Hormonal (Copper) Coil
Tubal Occlusion (Female Sterilisation)
Vasectomy (Male Sterilisation)
The C-Card gives you access to free condoms, internal condoms (femidoms) and lube from a number of outlets. C-Card is free for young people 13 to 24 living or studying in Dudley.
Contraception, hormones and mental health: Georgia’s story
Endometriosis: Libby’s Story
Finding the right contraception for me: Iona’s story
The Contraceptive Implant: Annie’s story
Visiting a sexual health clinic: Rachel’s story