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Category: Mental Health

Post-it notes spelling out "menopause"

World Menopause Day: How Brook has been breaking stigma in 2024

World Menopause Day is a day to raise awareness, break stigma and highlight the support available for people going through menopause. In this blog, Abby, a Women’s Health Specialist at…

Simple graphics showing period products - pads, period pants, menstrual cup, tampons

Exploring the links between Menstruation, Contraception, and Wellbeing 

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental health and sexual health. In this blog, Brook’s Data and Insights Team – Dr Tristin Agtarap and Jessica Winters – share early…

Two people sat down in a consultation room

Bridging the Gap: an integrated approach to mental and sexual healthcare 

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental health and sexual health. Ceri Evans, BASHH Board Member and President of the Society of Sexual Health Advisers explains why an integrated…

A hand holding a phone

Understanding and Addressing the Rise of Sextortion Among Young People 

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental health and sexual health. In this blog, Eloise Brame, Brook’s Senior Safeguarding Coordinator, explains the worrying rise in sextortion and what professionals…


5 tips for managing your mental health following a HIV diagnosis 

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental health and sexual health. In this blog, Ellie Harrison, a Positive Voices speaker for Terrence Higgins Trust, shares her tips for managing…

A illustration of a young person standing next to a sign that says "entrance" and another that says "support available"

Brook’s Wellbeing Hubs: Meeting young people at the intersection of sexual and mental health 

Sexual Health Week sees Brook officially open the doors of its new Wellbeing Hubs in Blackburn and Cornwall. To mark this occasion, Helen Corteen, Designated Wellbeing and Mental Health Lead,…

Diagram showing intersectionality - 5 different coloured circles overlapping, each is labelled differently "sexuality, racial identity, disability, nationality and gender"

Racism, mental health and sexual health 

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental and sexual health. In this blog Brook Participatory Advisory Group (PAG) member, 17 year-old Nikki Oni, uses her own experiences to discuss…

A football team in a huddle

Sex, Self-worth and Stigma: The Links Between Men’s Wellbeing and Attitudes Towards Sex 

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental health and sexual health. In this blog, Managing Director of Beyond Equality, Dan Guinness, shares some key insights about how men’s attitudes…


How stigma impacts our mental and sexual health

For #SHW24 we’re exploring the links between mental health and sexual health. In this blog Brook Education and Wellbeing Specialist, Alice Hoddinott, discusses some examples of the ways in which…

A hand waving an LGBT+ flag with fields in the background
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Looking after LGBT+ young people’s mental health 

Hannah Murden is Brook’s Service Development Administrator. For Mental Health Awareness Week, she explains why LGBT+ young people are more likely to struggle with their mental health and gives some tips…

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Rewriting the narrative for young people’s mental health

Dougie Boyd is Brook’s Director of Education and Wellbeing. For this Mental Health Week, he explains why opening our first Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub in Cornwall is the natural…

Jack smiling at the camera with sunglasses on

Don’t Let the Vivienne Westwood Pearls Fool You: Gay Men Face a Mental Health Crisis  

Jack Liepa, 23, is National Director of Sexpression and runner up for the LGBTQ+ Graduate of the Year 2023. In this blog, he explains why there’s a mental health crisis…