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Brook blog

The voice of young people’s sexual health and wellbeing.

Changing attitudes. Challenging prejudices. Championing equality.

We launched the Brook blog in September 2019 to shout louder about the sexual health and rights of young people.

It is a platform for Brook staff, sector colleagues and young activists to voice their thoughts on key topics impacting young people’s sexual and emotional wellbeing.

Do you have a story to share? Can you provide expert commentary on the latest sector news? Get in touch

Latest posts

Sex and the menopause
How menopause can affect sex It’s important to understand how some menopausal symptoms can get in the way of comfortable, pleasurable sex. Symptoms that might affect your desire for sex/sex…
Support with the menopause
Where can i get support with menopause? Support at work Did you know…? Less than 1/3 of people experiencing perimenopause symptoms told someone at work about their symptoms (UK Parliament,…
Power imbalances in relationships
What are power imbalances? When one person in a relationship has more power than the other person, this is called a power imbalance. Power imbalances can come in many different…
My ADHD & perimenopause journey: Vicky’s story
Am I going mad? Could it be early onset dementia? Depression? Anxiety? What’s happening to my skin, hair, attitude, life?! Why can’t I move off this chair? This was me…
Consent and sex in long-term relationships
Consent in long-term relationships Consent is important for every relationship and marriage. Whether you’ve been together for years or you’re only a few weeks in, and no matter how frequently…
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Scarlett’s story 
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 16 years old. It all started when I began menstruating around the age of 14. From the beginning, I experienced irregular…
